Development Timeline

Current development path and roadmap for Zem Finance

It is best to view Zem Finance's ethos here before reading our roadmap as it will let readers understand the variability of these dates and timelines.

The end goal for the team's development is to eventually turn Zem Finance into a self-sustaining DAO that operates all index tokens, developments, roles, and products. The current team is more of a temporary steward to progress toward the DAO in a sustainable manner. Although the DAO will not be outlined specifically on the Development Timeline it is one of our main priorities and will be announced when we feel the platform has reached a state to begin the launch.

We hold a much larger internal roadmap for each quarter, the items listed are all that we can confirm are currently on track (or ahead) of their release schedule.

Q1 2023

  • Initial launch

  • First exchange listing (PancakeSwap)

  • Index Token Presale

  • Social media launch

  • First staking pool for index token

  • Partnership announcements with DeFi protocols to begin development on leverage and different staking types

  • Listing on coin tracking websites (CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko)

  • First centralized exchange listing (on smaller exchange)

  • Website revamp, front-end redesign

  • Potential rebrand

  • Directly purchase crypto (BNB) to your wallet on Zem Finance using (undisclosed) widget provider

Q2 2023

  • Second index token launch

  • Zem token presale/launch

  • More staking pools for new products and rewards types (token yield + Zem token bonus)

  • More centralized exchange listings on smaller exchanges

  • Hiring and team expansion

  • ERC20 expansion, all Zem Finance products on the Ethereum blockchain with respective Uniswap listings

  • Ethereum DeFi protocol partnerships

  • Index Token Burn Function with respective tools

  • Institutional index token tokens, potential OTC exchange offering

Again, per our ethos, we prefer quality over quantity and will slow progress if needed to ensure all new updates are as good as possible. The opposite also holds true, in that if we are successful faster than anticipated the roadmap will also be accelerated.

Everything else here may come as early as Q2 2023 to Q4 2023, all depending on the rate at which we progress:

  • First major exchange listing

  • Major investment round from VCs to fund all future index tokens

  • Initialize a DAO for a DAO-based index token, where all allocations are decided by index token holders, setup for Zem Finance governance DAO for the entire platform and all respective tokens

  • 3rd, 4th, and 5th Index Tokens

  • Zem Token automatic management fee and yield generation

  • Burning function for index tokens to claim its backing assets (i.e. Burning a DeFi token for the DeFi tokens backing it

More from our internal roadmap will be added accordingly.

Last updated