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Current Team

Team outlook, security, and roles

The entire Zem Finance team is hard-working and close-knit. We all share the same vision of building out the platform to make investing easy for anyone and everyone.

Per our ethos, Zem Finance's goal is to turn into a self-sustaining DAO that facilitates all development, tokens, and operation of Zem Finance. The current Zem Finance team can be thought of as a temporary measure to develop a sustainable path toward that DAO. Our team accepts this, rather embraces this role of temporary stewards to create the best platform for index tokens in the world.

Our current legal and financial structure is also set up toward the DAO. This includes things like our public LinkedIn which is mainly made for DAO contributors to work under, although some current team members are welcome and choose to work under it too. As such our current team is semi-anonymous unless needed for a proper DAO transition. We still have DOX and audit measures in place for investor security.

Investor Security

To protect and ensure investors our team has followed audit procedure. Our partnered auditing firm is obliged by contract to release full identity information (DOX) of all team members in the case of any rug pull, stolen funds, or fraudulent activity. They also have the right to easily sue on behalf of investors to return any fraudulent funds owned by Zem Finance-associated parties.

Zem Finance LinkedIn

To contact any listed staff member, head here. Contracted employees can be contacted there too, but don't operate from the internal team and hold different responsibilities.

Full-Time, Internal Team


Ty Huff - Lead Engineering, Chief Technology Officer, Co-Founder

Andrew Garza - Blockchain Engineer

Vincent Nguyen - Software Engineer

Analyst and Investment

Zachery Lang - Financial Analyst, Head of Index Management, Co-Founder

Mina Kim - Financial Analyst, Index Management


Aaliyah Patel - Chief Financial Officer

Ex Tee - Chief Operating Office, Co-Founder

Adam Wong - Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder

Contracted Roles

Social Media Management, Legal, Support, and Team Assistance

Last updated